Monday, February 4, 2008


Hi All,
I am going to start a new series --Learn Apps DBA on Your Own. Here is my first post.

Architecture of 11i Oracle E-Business Suite.

11i Architecture is a 3 Tier Architecture.

1.DataBase Tier.
2.Middle Tier.
3.Client or Desktop Tier.

DataBase tier consits of the database to which 11i stores the data. this can be separate node or on the same node where middle tier is.

Middle Tier consists of the following components.

1.Web Server.
2.Forms Server.
3.Reports Server
4.Concurrent Processing Server.
5.Admin Server
6.Discoverer Server.

This tier can be distributed(load balanced) into multiple nodes.

Desktop Tier --which is the client pc used for accessing the applications. The components include a web browser ,Oracle Jinitiator.

Any questions or comments kindly post in this blog.


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